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Stay behind the Red Line

* Where is all happens

                      Email. Only Email. I have no problem keeping the story alive on GoogleDocs, but replies back and forth will need to be on email

*Quality AND Quantity

                      Replies can vary in length depending on where we are at. I will never demand a specific amount from you, but I do expect a few, well-written, paragraphs. There are times I will be hit by the inspiration bug and give a long-winded novel. There will also be times where you will only get a few paragraphs. On average, expect 3-5 paragraphs and I will expect the same from you as well. Can't manage that?  Cool, don't make it a habit and don't be afraid to hop on an OOC email to talk plot. Let's develop these characters and their lives together

*Sex, drugs, and rock and roll?

                       I like to keep things classy, in regard to sex. Normally I will fade to black with enough detail involved for everyone to understand. That being said, I have no fears in regard to the topic if the story is enhanced with elaborate detail. I love to highlight tragic characters with addiction to substances or experience it all for the first time with my more sheltered characters. Violence is great and sometimes necessary. Give it all to me!


*More the merrier

                        We are building a world and lives for people in our writing. Unless you have a very compelling plot where our characters are completely alone somewhere for the entirety of the story, I expect you to be able to bring in side characters every now and then, as I do. Help me fill the world our characters live in.  Don't feel obligated to have a constantly used second character, but give your central character family or friends. Throw in an annoying coworker to interrupt a big meeting.


*Out of Character Conversations

                          I love to hear all about you, what you are doing, your goals and your dreams. Bitch to me about the asshole who scraped up your car in the parking lot, ask my advice on a fancy dinner you are preparing for the person you just started seeing. Share it all, just do it in a separate thread from our story.  


                          I find that I gravitate towards playing male characters mostly, but have no problems playing any gender. ALL of my characters, regardless of who they take to bed, are LGBTQ+ friendly. Some are flamboyantly gay, while others are a bit more uncomfortable in certain situations. I will not accept any sort of bigotry, racism, or homophobia from my writing partners. You do not have to share my same views, but I expect you to respect mine. If you can not be pleasant on the topics, you may close my website now and move on to another partner. 


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